


  • Tõmbetugevus: kuni 35#
  • Vibu pikkus: 64″, 66″, 68″, 70 
  • Hind sisaldab 22% KM


Eripakkumine: ostes selle vibu, saate Falco ekslusiivse pikkvibu koti vaid 25€ eest (vaata siia)

Falco Twin sai populaarseks koheselt sellest hetkest kui otsustasime sellise universaalvibu oma kollektsiooni lisada. Nagu teada, üle 90% laskureist kasutab paremakäelist vibu ja seetõttu oli paljude klubide, vibutiirude jne. varustuses paraku valdav enamik vibusid just paremakäelistele laskureile. Seetõttu juhtus sageli, et need huvilised, kellele sobiks ainult vasakukäeline vibu, pidid jääma kõrvalvaatajaks. Hetkega see probleem lahenes  – Falco Twin teeb sama vibuga laskmise kõigile võimalikuks.

Profiililt, kasutatud materjalidelt, värvidelt jne. on tegemist põhimõtteliselt Falco Legendi analoogiga , ainult et nooleriiuleid on ühe asemel sümmeetriliselt kaks.

Profiil: Reflex

Värvivalik: Erinevad peitsitoonid nagu teak, palisander, vask, pähkel, veinipunane, metsaroheline, oliiv, oranz, must, sinine jne.

Käelisus: Universaal

Vibunöör: Dacron

Nooleriiul: Mõlemal nooleriiulil naturaalne karusnahk



  • What is the recommended brace height for this model?
    We suggest starting to test arrow flight at around brace height 7.5″ but optimal arrow flight is what will determine the best brace height. On this bow, you are most likely to find optimal flight between 7″ – 8″, but may experiment also with longer (up to 8.5″)
  • Is string included? What sort of a string?
    Yes, the model comes with a Dacron string. The number of string strands depends on the weight of the bow (14, 16 or 18)
  • Is this model IFAA/NFAA legal?
  • Is this model WA legal?
  • Can this model be cut past centre?
    No, this is a basic recreational model which has two sides already so cannot be cut deeper than standard.
  • What arrows would you recommend for this bow?
    Although all main types of arrows (wooden, aluminum, carbon) could be used with this bow, the authentic choice would be to use wooden arrows. For optimum performance and highest quality, we suggest our hand-picked Premium model arrows which are the choice for many European and World Champions and medalists. The choice of wooden arrows depends on your bowand your own personal characteristics (write in case of questions).