This years ATA Trade Show took place from 13th to 15th of January 2010 in Columbus, OH and once again Falco was out with our people. This was the ninth time we participated and yet again we dare call it a success as we managed to make new contacts to represent various companies in Estonia and the region not yet present here. More importantly however, we also found a few potential distributors for Falco longbows and arrows. We expect export projects to start in the next few weeks for example in Slovenia and Norway.
Falco also presented its newest model, The Storm which has gathered a lot of interest in the short time it has been a part of our collection. See The Storm on our online catalogue under Falco longbows.
We got acquinted with new models from manufacturers we represent and especially wish to stress the evolution of the olympic bow field in which there have been some quite radial changes. More on that very soon. In addition, negotiations taking place in the following weeks promise to give Falco rights to represent several new brands in Northern-Europe including wholesale dealrship of some brands.
Falco trade fair visit was supported through Enterprise Estonia by the European Regional Development Fund.